Solution For Your Needs

Let us know your specific product requirements, We can adjust the products to your demands from size, efficiency, color, and budget. We also provide a detailed quote that itemizes material specifications, giving you a reliable reference filter industrial for each order.

Valitech Synergi

Jl.Lingkar Luar Selatan, Suradita, Tangerang, Banten - Indonesia Jl.Permata Blok 1D No.22, Gunung Sindur, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16340 - Indonesia
Phone : 021-5020 7718 - 7719
Marketing : 0858-8571-7111
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Vast selection of readily available, quality filtration products and solutions, We look forward to serving you.

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Here you find the products we offer, information and technical advice. Contact us anytime by phone, email, or via the contact team marketing.


A reliable source for Filtering System information. Our lines include top of the line quality filtration products for all ranges of Industrial and Commercial processes. Let our years of experience in the filtration industry aid your company by giving product recommendations, pricing for your budget and superior service.

Contact Us

Telp : (021) 5020 7718 – 7719
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WhatSapp : 0858-8571-7111